Bing - Will bring Microsoft NO BLING

Sorry Microsoft but you are way too late to the search party. Microsoft just does not get it. Google owns the search arena! Stop embarrassing yourself with trying to compete. It makes no sense! What makes them think that people will start rushing to use Bing now? All they did was change the skin of the search results page and added little fancy preview link on the side. They could have just upgraded Live Search, which essential is what they did besides change the name.

Google emergence to dominance

Let me be perfectly clear. I'm not a fan of Google. I think everything it makes is worth less than a dollar. Some people claim they are innovative, ok I give you that in regards to the amount of information they have made available online like books and other things. But Google came into the market when search engines were slow. Google's claim to fame was that it search engine returned results fast, which it still does. Now think back for a second when you were in college and you had to do a research paper and all you had was a 56K modem connected to the internet through AOL. AOL's search was really slow which just hooked into an old search firm named Alta Vista I believe. So this made Google a God sent! I can search fast even with a 56k modem! Wow! So then this small little search engine made its way up the technology industry mountain until it made it where it now sits on top looking down at Yahoo and further down the mountain at Microsoft.


Even if Microsoft & Yahoo merged they will only make up something like 15% of search requests. Yahoo I believe needs to focus on getting away from the search business. Yahoo has so many other businesses it can improve on that it really does not need its search business to survive. The same for Microsoft. Why they both want to continue to play in this game is crazy.

The reason I use Google Search

The reason I use Google is because its fast and it returns results that other search engines do not return. Also for the rare times I'm searching for images or an answer to atechnical question I can search their groups and images section. And when I was in graduate school I used extensively their Google Scholarly section which Yahoo and Microsoft do not have! Also Google search books so that is an added benefit! I could care less how pretty a search results page looks and I know I'm not alone. The worst looking site on the internet,, get millions of vistors a week!


Message To Microsoft: Microsoft concentrate on the core of your business and leave the search to Google. Bing will bring you NO BLING!

Until next time...


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