Best Web Browser For Development

And I'm an advocate for testing your web applications in the four major browsers:

1. IE
2. Firefox
3. Safari
4. Chrome

If you feel my list is wrong feel free to comment.

Nobody uses Opera. I have been on web teams that had anywhere from 100 to 6500 concurrent users and have seen stats.

But I recently had a Javascript error in my page and I used:

IE 7 - Did not break the page - This is why I love IE. It hides bad developers' mistakes :)
IE 8 - Broke the page but did not report the error
Firefox 3.0.3 - Broke the page but did not report the error in the error console
Chrome - Broke the page and reported the error!

I was not a big fan of Chrome at first. I taught it was a Firefox clone. But because of this I might jump on the Google bandwagon. :)

Until next time...


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